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Template:Category more

跳转到导航 跳转到搜索


{{category more|WP:WikiProject}} produces: {{category more|WP:WikiProject|l1=WikiProject}} produces:

Multiple link targets

  • {{category more|1 BC}} produces:
  • {{category more|Talk:1 BC|l1=1 BC}} produces:
  • {{category more|1 BC|2 BC}} produces:
  • {{category more|Talk:1 BC|l1=1 BC|Talk:2 BC|l2=2 BC}} produces:
  • {{category more|1 BC|2 BC|3 BC}} produces:
  • {{category more|Talk:1 BC|l1=1 BC|Talk:2 BC|l2=2 BC|Talk:3 BC|l3=3 BC}} produces:
  • {{category more|1 BC|2 BC|3 BC|4 BC}} produces:
  • {{category more|Talk:1 BC|l1=1 BC|Talk:2 BC|l2=2 BC|Talk:3 BC|l3=3 BC|Talk:4 BC|l4=4 BC}} produces:
  • {{category more|1 BC|2 BC|3 BC|4 BC|5 BC}} produces:
  • {{category more|Talk:1 BC|l1=1 BC|Talk:2 BC|l2=2 BC|Talk:3 BC|l3=3 BC|Talk:4 BC|l4=4 BC|Talk:5 BC|l5=5 BC}} produces:



Category more模板数据

<templatedata> { "description": "This templates adds a 'For more information, see ...' statement with a maximum of 5 linked Wiki pages. Each link can be labelled with a user-defined new text. If no label is defined, the link will display with its original page name.", "params": { "1": { "label": "first link", "type": "string", "required": true, "description": "First link to a Wiki page, formatted as 'internal' Wiki-link, f.e. 'WP:WikiProject' or 'articlename'" }, "l1": { "label": "label first link", "type": "string", "description": "Format: l1=labeltext. A user-defined label for the first Wiki-link, f.e. 'WP:WikiProject' as first parameter and 'l1=Project' would display 'Project' but link to 'WP:WikiProject'" }, "2": { "label": "second link", "type": "string", "description": "Second link to another Wiki page, same formatting as the first link. Note: 3 more links 3,4,5 and (optional) labels l3,l4,l5 can be added manually" }, "l2": { "label": "label second link", "type": "string", "description": "Format: l2=labeltext. A user-defined label for the second Wiki-link. Note: 3 more links 3,4,5 and (optional) labels l3,l4,l5 can be added manually" } } } </templatedata>

See also